Amuse Art & Craft Fair seeks artists, crafters and makers of handmade or artisan goods!
Saturday, October 17th 9am - Saturday, October 24th 11:59am EST
Online Marketplace | Contests | Artist Videos/Live Streams via Instagram & Facebook
More info coming soon!
Important Dates & Info
Application Deadline: August 19, 2020
- Notifications Sent: August 21, 2020 (Check your junk folders)
- Booth Fees Due: No later than August 31st, 2020
Booth Types
• $50 Virtual Booths
Application Requirements
- The application fee is a non-refundable $15
- Commercial studios involved in mass volume production will not be considered for the show.
- All work must be that of the applicant or that of the artist(s) represented by the applying arts organization/group
Jury Selection
- Jurying is conducted by a panel of experienced arts industry professionals and is based primarily on the quality of work as illustrated in the submitted digital images. We recommend submitting clear/focused, well lit photos of your work.
- Ability to follow application guidelines will be taken into consideration in the jurying process.
- The organizers reserve the right to make decisions to ensure a complete and balanced show.
Vendor Requirements
If selected...
Virtual Vendors
- $50 Fee is required by August 31, 2020 by to participate
- Must have their own online shop or link to their online marketplace (i.e. stand alone shop website, Etsy, etc.)
- Virtual Vendors are responsible for taking their own sales
- Virtual Vendors are required to provide photography, bio and information about their business
Refund Policy
All applications fees and booth fees are non-refundable except in the case of cancellation due to possible Covid-19 lock down. In the case of another lock-down, Amuse will give outdoor vendors a partial refund of $100 and the show will be entirely online.
All applications fees and booth fees are non-refundable except in the case of cancellation due to possible Covid-19 lock down. In the case of another lock-down, Amuse will give outdoor vendors a partial refund of $100 and the show will be entirely online.