Jaqui Bay / I Wear Blue Tights
I started this little business because sometimes life is hard and I am always trying to seek out things that make me smile. Painting my favorite people does that. I paint between soaking up time with my husband, son, and my chickens, my job as an advocate for children, and football season. I do big things like beat stage iv cancer and small things like work on my terrible handwriting.
Is there a story behind your business name?
My name was my college application essay. I was supposed to write something about myself. I wear blue tights was something I did.
What is your medium of choice?
Why have you chosen your current medium?
It the only thing vintage clothespins are made out of, but mostly because it is easiest to paint (for me at least).
What's your typical day?
I wake up and check the weather, feed the hamster and wake up my son to get ready for school (virtual now) and make some eggs for breakfast. I work for about 5 hours while my husband also works from home and then I take a break so that my son and I can call my grandmother so that he can read to her. He finishes school about 130. After I do a couple of more hours of work, I paint before and after supper in the living room. We are currently working on the basement to make a super baller studio space for me, so that I can drill and paint and listen to true crime podcasts without upsetting the cat.
Why do you feel your art/craft is important/relevant today?
Art reflects who we are. As individuals and as a society. Art gets us through things. Hard things. Lovely things. It shows us and the world who and what we are.
What has been the most difficult challenge for you as an artist/maker?
Time. Always time. I want to be all the things. A good Mommy. A great wife. A maker and saver of lives. I do not have enough hours in my day, but at the end of the day, that is okay, because I crammed it with trying and that is all we really can do.
What is the most gratifying part of making your work?
The laughter when people are looking through my magnets at a show. It fuels me. The giggles are infectious and I thrive on them.
Where do you find inspiration?
I make who I like. Rarely who I don't. I like to take someone who has a distinctive look and see how I can make them truly recognizable without all of the fluff.
Where is your studio/work space?
Currently living room/basement/my head.
What's your typical studio playlist?
I love music, but I am a true crime podcast junky. I was a Criminology major, so these are my people. My Favorite Murder, True Crime Obsessed, Southern Fried True Crime, Last Podcast on the Left are just some of my favorites.
How do you get yourself out of a creative rut?
I adjust who I paint. Sometimes I get SO burned out and so I change things up. Right now, I am moving to a Mystery Mini Magnet model for all shows starting in 2021. I will offer a new series every now and then. I hope it works out. I love a good blind bag along with any 8 year old, so I am looking forward to it.
Favorite blog/movie/tv show/book that never fails to inspire or just clears the mind:
Anything by Tim Dorsey. I read all of his books in college through now and just started "re-reading" him on audio. His books are based on a serial killer (funnier than it sounds) who is obsessed with Floridian History. I was born and Florida and the author and I went to the same university, so I feel a connection with the craving for knowledge about that freaky and amazing state.
Share your process - bonus points if there's a story behind it:
I made these little people when my grandmother had me go visit the Vacation Bible School at her church when I was little. They were HORRIBLE and later on, I discovered that one kind of looked like Gandhi and now, 6 years later, here I am. I did not make them into magnets at first, but it was suggested to me by the fine ladies at Kitsch in Norfolk. Once I did that, they just took off!
What's your dream project - if you had all the time and materials in the world?
I would love to make the entire Fellowship of the Ring. I just don't know how to package them. Maybe all of the Presidents too.
What artists influence your work/who are your creative idols?
I love the artists who love color and give me a lot of details to work with. I feel like I am a little quirky, even in the maker world because I have to explain what my little folks are a lot, so I always feel like I am explaining the joke, so I like artists who also have to do a bit of the same. Lady Ga-Ga, David Bowie and even to some extent Dolly Parton.
Describe yourself in 5 words:
I Wear Blue Tights ... Sometimes
Describe your work in 5 words:
Yes ma'am, these ARE magnets.
Tell us something funny or exciting that has happened in regards to your artwork/craft:
I was asked to make a magnet of Kenny Rogers while he was still on tour by the director of the Paramount in Charlottesville. He had it on the fridge in his tour bus. Huge honor as a southern girl.
How do you find balance?
I try to ensure that even when I am painting I am doing something with my son or husband. Watching a favorite movie, listening to a favorite movie soundtrack or cheering them on while they play a video game. I missed out a lot when I was sick, so I try to always still be there.
Learn more about Jacqui and i wear blue tights at www.iwearbluetights.com
The laughter when people are looking through my magnets at a show. It fuels me. The giggles are infectious and I thrive on them.
Where do you find inspiration?
I make who I like. Rarely who I don't. I like to take someone who has a distinctive look and see how I can make them truly recognizable without all of the fluff.
Where is your studio/work space?
Currently living room/basement/my head.
What's your typical studio playlist?
I love music, but I am a true crime podcast junky. I was a Criminology major, so these are my people. My Favorite Murder, True Crime Obsessed, Southern Fried True Crime, Last Podcast on the Left are just some of my favorites.
How do you get yourself out of a creative rut?
I adjust who I paint. Sometimes I get SO burned out and so I change things up. Right now, I am moving to a Mystery Mini Magnet model for all shows starting in 2021. I will offer a new series every now and then. I hope it works out. I love a good blind bag along with any 8 year old, so I am looking forward to it.
Favorite blog/movie/tv show/book that never fails to inspire or just clears the mind:
Anything by Tim Dorsey. I read all of his books in college through now and just started "re-reading" him on audio. His books are based on a serial killer (funnier than it sounds) who is obsessed with Floridian History. I was born and Florida and the author and I went to the same university, so I feel a connection with the craving for knowledge about that freaky and amazing state.
Share your process - bonus points if there's a story behind it:
I made these little people when my grandmother had me go visit the Vacation Bible School at her church when I was little. They were HORRIBLE and later on, I discovered that one kind of looked like Gandhi and now, 6 years later, here I am. I did not make them into magnets at first, but it was suggested to me by the fine ladies at Kitsch in Norfolk. Once I did that, they just took off!
What's your dream project - if you had all the time and materials in the world?
I would love to make the entire Fellowship of the Ring. I just don't know how to package them. Maybe all of the Presidents too.
What artists influence your work/who are your creative idols?
I love the artists who love color and give me a lot of details to work with. I feel like I am a little quirky, even in the maker world because I have to explain what my little folks are a lot, so I always feel like I am explaining the joke, so I like artists who also have to do a bit of the same. Lady Ga-Ga, David Bowie and even to some extent Dolly Parton.
Describe yourself in 5 words:
I Wear Blue Tights ... Sometimes
Describe your work in 5 words:
Yes ma'am, these ARE magnets.
Tell us something funny or exciting that has happened in regards to your artwork/craft:
I was asked to make a magnet of Kenny Rogers while he was still on tour by the director of the Paramount in Charlottesville. He had it on the fridge in his tour bus. Huge honor as a southern girl.
How do you find balance?
I try to ensure that even when I am painting I am doing something with my son or husband. Watching a favorite movie, listening to a favorite movie soundtrack or cheering them on while they play a video game. I missed out a lot when I was sick, so I try to always still be there.
Learn more about Jacqui and i wear blue tights at www.iwearbluetights.com